The project will be managed by the Long Point Biosphere Region and supported by a Working Group, a Public Advisory Committee, and Technical Advisory Committee of independent experts. Public engagement and consultation will be continuous as highlighted in the Governance Model (see right). The public and stakeholders will be invited to community open houses, represented on the Public Advisory Committee, and receive regular updates via a website.
Develop Technical and Scientific Knowledge
Collect physical data and develop a sediment budget and transport model to determine how and where sand and pebbles move in the nearshore of the coast between Port Glasgow and Long Point.
Produce a Resilience Action Plan
Develop a Resilience Plan that integrates the four dimensions of a resilient coast: social, economic, environmental, and physical processes. The technical and scientific work completed will inform the management options developed to build resilience along the coast. The Action Plan will be co-developed by the Working Group, the Public Advisory Committee, community members at large and reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee.
Complete Dune Restoration Projects
From 2024 to 2027 we will build coastal resilience through dune restoration. Sand dunes form at the back of beaches when sand is trapped by beachgrass and other native plants. Healthy dunes create a barrier against natural coastal hazards, such as flooding and erosion, and improve habitat.