Community and stakeholder engagement will be an important component of the project and ultimately the development of the Resilience Action Plan. Refer to this page regularly for announcements and updates on future meetings.
The Working Group is planning a series of Open Houses in February to share information about the project with the communities from Port Glasgow to Long Point. Mark your calendar and plan to attend one of the sessions to learn more about the project. We look forward to meeting everyone and discussing your concerns and values. An Exit Survey will be shared so you can provide written feedback. Registration details will be provided.
1) February 25, Birds Canada Event Room, Port Rowan: 4 to 6pm
2) February 26, Straffordville Community Centre: 2 to 4pm and 6 to 8pm
3) February 27, Dutton Dunwich Community Centre: 2 to 4pm and 6 to 8pm
The North Shore Resilience Project is currently seeking applications to sit on the Public Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC will help shape the North Shore Resilience Action Plan by communicating the priorities and values of communities and stakeholders, as well as providing feedback on the technical investigations and restoration projects. The PAC members will also act as community ambassadors who further disseminate information on coastal processes and ecosystem restoration opportunities in their communities.
Eligible applicants must live or own property in one of the following municipalities: West Elgin, Dutton-Dunwich, Southwold, Central Elgin, Malahide, Bayham, or Norfolk.
If you are concerned about existing and future threats to the north shore of Lake Erie, have knowledge to share about your coastal area, and have the capacity to attend in-person meetings (two per year), please consider completing the online application (link below). Paper copies are available from your municipality and can be returned to the municipal office.
The work of the PAC will be guided by a Terms of Reference (ToR). A draft can by downloaded from the link below. The Terms of Reference will be finalized at the first in-person meeting of the PAC.
The deadline to submit your application is February 14th, 2025.